Farmfair International encourages international buyers and industry representatives to participate in the Travel Reimbursement Program. Farmfair International will provide introductions to Canadian breeders, genetics companies and agriculture businesses with the program offering financial support as well as customized service and access to specialized itineraries including farm and industry tours, invitations to special beef-related events and support on pre and post-show tours.


Qualified buyers taking part in the program are eligible for partial reimbursement of travel expenses.

Before applying, please review the following.

Application Criteria and Preferences:

  • Only one person from a ranch/farm/operation is eligible for funding (additional travelling companions are not covered by funding, but are very welcome to attend and will qualify as an International Guest).
  • Hold direct financial capacity or influence to purchase Canadian products and services.
  • Preference is given to first-time applicants if they fit the required criteria.
  • Due to the nature of the program, inbound buyers are not eligible for funding if they are working for any producers or exhibitors. This includes receiving compensation in any format, monetary or in-kind.

Please note that:

  • Submission does not guarantee funding.
  • Farmfair International may consult with other agencies to ensure applicants are qualified buyers.

Click the button below to access the form to apply:

Apply for the Travel Reimbursement Program

For the Spanish language application form:

Solicitar el Programa de Reembolso de Viajes

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